Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage is a rather silly argument. When one thinks about it at least, which is not what most people tend to do. Accounting of course for the seperation of church and state, Gay Marriage is NOT a law of any sort trying to get churches to allow homosexuals to waltz in and change church policy. I believe that's where most dissent comes from, plus all of the "destroying the sanctity of marriage" malarkey. There's simply no good reason to not allow homosexuals to engage in a civil union. This gets them all the benefits of a marriage, which is what they want, and in no way does the pope's panties get in a wad. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there's actually a church that is straight up FOR gay marriage, regardless of some extra-friendly clergy. So why can't we have the best of both worlds? Sure, if a homosexual wants to get married in a catholic sense, he better bring that up with the local diocease, but really now, is that a matter for the state to decide? The ONLY reason I can conceivably come up with as to why homosexuals aren't given the same rights as heterosexuals, is that the uptight politicians are jealous. That's right, jealous. As one comedian once said, "If I had another man living with me, I'd get so much more done."

Adoption of Children by Homosexual Couples

In my opinion this subject should be considered with each individual case, and not as a general law or rule. But others have very strong opinions for both sides of this controversy so I will discuss those points.

Is it fair for children, who have already gone through so much, to have to grow up in such a controversial situation? They will not only be questioned about their real parents, but also about their adopted parents. Both of these questions on their own have a very likely chance of causing severe stress, and an far more difficult time of becoming comfortable with themselves. So once they are combined, it seems as if we are setting the child up for failure. Although inside the home, the child might be loved and cared for, the outside implications can destroy a child. Adopted children usually need an extrememly stable and secure home situation to be the foundation of their new lives. When such a union is not widely accepted by society, it has less potential to be as stable and secure.
Is it fair for children, who have already gone through so much, to be denied a loving and providing home just because of a same sex couple? There is a decrease in parents willing to adopt American children, because of many complications that can be avoided by adopting from foreign countries. Although there is a decrease in heterosexual couples, there are many homosexual couples waiting to get in line. Many same gender couples, want to settle down and begin to raise a family, just as the typical couple would. By being is such a unique home the children will not be deferred by differences, but will embrace others even if they are not like them.

man on man/woman on woman

Homosexuality is not like hair dye. You can't change and mix it into different colors at whimp. Homosexuality can't be changed, colored or replaced.
Homosexuality is a fact of life.
To deny marriage to individuals who are homosexual is like telling a brunette she can't dye her hair blonde because it'll throw off all princples of race, class and sexual selection.
Conservatives need to grow up and stop living in their veil-covered lives.
Modern day Americans continue to uphold Puritan ideals, by keep sexual conversatoin behind closed doors and off the dinner table. This scare of promiscuity hurts the future generations growing up in an AIDS spawned soctiey.
The sooner the political world realizes this, the faster professional growth will improve, as well as relations regarding a "diverse" element will mull over smoothly and authentically.
If change is so horrible, then things like slavery would still be in place. The idea of the conservative machine slanders any change within history made towards human rights, liberty and freedom.
Homosexuality, along with heterosexuality should be studied in the classroom for further exposure to uninformed and closed individual. Homosexuality is not something that should be shoved under a rug, but instead an assest to society that should be appreciated and rewarded in compensation for past prejudice and anullment.
The marriage between two men or women is not going to hurt the youth. And once married and legally respected, these indviduals should and probably will return the favor and contribute to the intellect and aethestic of the community. Marriage should be defined within the government outside of religious horse blinders. If a country in South Africa can allow it, then why can't the Americas?

"It demonstrates powerfully the commitment of our lawmakers to ensuring that all human beings are treated with dignity," said Fikile Vilakazi of the Joint Working Group, a national network of 17 gay and lesbian organizations.

Title IX

Title IX is not only about sports, it is a legislation that stops sex discrimination. Title IX states, “No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid.” However, when most people think about Title IX they think sports and sports funding. It is part of Title IX, but not the major part. I think that Title IX is good with respect to woman getting a good education and not being discriminated in what majors that choose. According to women’s law and medical degrees went up dramatically. I think this is very good and Title IX is serving its purpose here.
However, for the sports part of Title IX it I am not that found of. I always find myself saying, “Stupid Title IX.” This is probably because I am a guy who likes sports and likes to watch men’s athletics. I think that there should be women’s sports, but I don’t think there needs to be equal funding for men’s and women’s sports. What is going to help the schools bring back the most money is men’s sports. There are always more fans in the stands at men’s basketball games than at women’s games. Under Title IX the schools have to take the money for the sports budget at make it and make it proportional to the number of male and female student athletes. I think that if we can have a dominant men’s team by spending money to give athletes scholarships than we should. We should not have to give equal spending to a women’s team that not as many people care about. In my opinion Tile IX is good in some ways, but not others.

Gay Marriage

I think its hard to determine the morality of Gay Marriage considering that we do not really understand exactly what homosexuality is. Some people say its genetic, others say its a mental disorder, some say its a choice like all sins. Whatever homosexuality is we must use the information we currently have to decide if homosexuality can be allowed to marry one another legally. Now if marriage really is the hallowed union of a male and female then homosexuals would not just be barred from marriage, they would be incapable of it if they intended to marry someone of the same gender. Personally ive seen men who used to be gay but have now gotten married to a woman and started a family of their own. I have heard the claim that homosexuality is genetic but so far no one has shown me any proof and the idea already has some obvious problems with it considering the fact that gay couples cannot reproduce on their own.

Dont get me wrong, I agree that there are plenty of homosexuals out there that are actually pretty decent and upstanding people. I personally do not hate homosexuals but I am disgusted by the act of homosexuality. Still I understand that in todays society of political correctness and absolute tolerance such a view would immediately draw the label of homophobic. However I said before that until we can understand exactly what homosexuality is we must go with what we already know and this knowledge varies from person to person. I can say this however, since Massachusetts legalized gay marriage, the act has been banned in almost every single state and in most cases by a solid majority. This by itself is enough to show that obviously most Americans find something inherently wrong with marriage being defined as something other than the Union between a Man and a Woman.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gay marriage

Should gay couples be allowed to get married?
This is a very complicated thing. My position is that gay people should have all the same rights as straight people. However, the term marriage is a religious term that our government has adopted. Marriage holds religious connotations and therefore should be left to the church. If a church decided to marry a gay couple, that is their business not the government’s. The government should offer “civil unions,” meaning that in the eyes of the law the couple has a common law marriage and is awarded all the rights of a straight couple, as well as things like the option of adoption. There is no reason on earth why a couple should not be awarded these rights by the government. To deny rights has discrimination written all over it. It is no different than the way that blacks used to be treated in this country. The only thing that is different about gay people is their sexual orientation. They are still good, respecting, productive, law-abiding citizens and should not be denied the rights that all other citizens freely enjoy.
The flip side is that marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman. No one else. Many people are not comfortable with the idea of two men or two women getting married and feel that it is not traditional, is shunned by their religion or feel that it “just isn’t right,” and therefore shouldn’t be allowed. Many people simply don’t understand the concept of being gay and see gay people as having something wrong with them. Many people are even friends with gay people, but still can’t find it in themselves to totally support something like marriage between gays because they have been taught their whole lives that it is wrong and a sin, immoral, and something to be shunned. However if the term marriage is replaced by the term civil union and kept separate from the church, it is amazing how people’s opinions change.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Beatles

Some would disagree, I even admit I am somewhat skeptical of such claims, but many believe that The Beatles were the founders of Rock and Roll. The Beatles, originally from Liverpool England came to America in 1964, were they released their first album Please Please Me. Originally called the Quarry Men, but switching their title to The Beatles after dropping Pete Best and adding Ringo Star into the line up. The first appearance of The Beatles came as a televised presentation on the Ed Sullivan Show which pulled 73 million viewers that tuned in to catch the English quartet. The first album was released in 1964. The first single release in the UK became “Love Me Do,” however, The Beatles produced another huge hit in the US, “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” which became a charter topper soon upon the arrival in the States. The Beatles became a huge hit because their albums were self-written and they arranged many sounds eventually composing their own to form a unique sound unto their own. Not only did The Beatles have an original sound to their name but they also produced 19 albums in 6 years. They also hold records for holding the most number one hits at the same time and have topped many charts with their original singles. So even if you are like me and don’t particularly care for all The Beatles produced in their time, we can all at least respect the work and dedication they put into their art.


So this is probably a tad late, but I'm going to go ahead and blame the horrible weather.

One of my absolute favorite works of art was done for a book entitled The Dark Tower. It's the 7th in a series by Stephen King, and the final in the series as well. The art shows the main character standing in front of the Tower itself, in a massive field of roses. Having read the book, the entire picture is a huge emotional impact. A single rose in the series has taken a large emotional attachment for readers, and the Tower is what the main character, Roland, has been questing for for 7 books. The colors are beautiful and deep, showing both beauty and strength. The monolithic tower offsets the field of red with it's dark brick, causing it to stand out quite sharply.
Sadly, the only picture I can find is a cropped version of the book's dust cover. Just imagine it as wider to the right, and without the title and whatnot.

Drawing Restraint 9

From the mind of Matthew Barney and song from Björk, "Drawing Restraint 9" envelops its viewer into modern day Japan where we follow a whaling ship's route and happenings in correlation to the film's character exploration. Barney incorporates traditional Japanese markings and wardrobe amidst an environment clearly defected from nature and drenched into industrial conformity. The characters (played by Barney and Björk) are stripped from their material assets in a gradual progression leading to coal-smudged teeth and partly shaved heads adorned by wool and shell elemental clothing.
With a musical score composed and sung by Björk, the mood effused from the film stays at a steady iced pace with subtle escalations of intensity. Famous for her sonorous, mournful voice, Björk transforms the whaling ship's industrial bestial state into a frozen mystic setting.
Along with his two main forces, Barney also projects parallel accessories to his film, with pearl-divers in white wet suits, whom are seen from the middle towards the end of the film. Key visual styles almost make this two hour and 25 minute feature, roll like an everlasting music video.
The visual's poignancy entraps its viewer to follow along with the film's metamorphosis and leaves one with a feeling of detachment, as the film depicts the removal of whale blubber and its transformation on the ship.

My Favorite Works of Art

My favorite works of art come in the form of words. Jodi Picoult is a well known author and has recently been in the spotlight for her piece My Sister's Keeper. Jodi has a way with words, a way to make you emotionally involved in the occurances, a way to make the unique but realistic characters seem like your co workers, friends and family. She also has the wonderful capability to intertwine that romantic storyline with current societial issues. Jodi researches many different topics that are important to us and will be important to us in the future. In My Sister's Keeper, readers get a look into the life of a family wrestling with the questions: Is it right to infringe on one of our daughter's lives and possibly harm her to save the life of our other sickly oldest daughter? Was it right for us to have our second daughter a product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, so that she would match her siblings bone marrow?
The family appers to be like any other, but they are different, they are plagued with many problems. Kate is the youngest of the children, and is the main character of the book. She has gone through many medical procedures to help her older sister fight her chronic leukemia, but none of those procedures and surgeries have ever been done with her real consent. The girls' oldest brother uses drugs and alcohol to escape from his family's "problems" thus adding to the stress of the parents. The novel follows the struggles of daily life, a loved one with cancer, an older brother with substance abuse issues, the complicated and sudden life analyzations forced upon the married couple, as well as the federal trial for Kate to recieve medical emanicpation from her parents. With an ending that is almost guareenteed to make a couple tears be shed, this wonderful piece of art is a must read.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Legally Blonde

I decided to post on a very symbolic piece of art for me, the cover of the Legally Blonde DVD. In Legally Blonde Elle Woods has it all. She is rich, beautiful, blonde, has big boobs, president of her sorority, Delta Nu, and won the Miss Hawaiian Tropics contest. She even has the perfect, dashingly handsome and rich boyfriend, Warner Huntington III. When Warner visits with his Grandmother Elle gets it in her head that Warner is going to propose and that his Grandmother visited to personally hand over the ring. What Elle discovers is that Warner doesn't think she is serious enough and looks how a future Senator's wife should look. Warner dumps Elle and informs her that he is going to Harvard Law. Elle gets it in her head to steal Warner back by going to Harvard and proving him wrong, what she doesn't know is that she will end up not only proving Warner wrong, but all of Harvard as well.
On the cover is a picture of Elle on the Harvard campus in a sexy hot pink sparkly dress with her little chiahuahua, Bruiser, right beside her all in hot pink as well. In the background is a boringly dressed group of Harvard Law students all frowning and gawking at the blonde Elle. The cover also states "Boldy going where no blonde has gone." In my opinion, the cover states how confident Elle is in herself and all people in general. You can do whatever you set your mind too. Elle stands for not being afraid to wear what you want when you want and acting the way that you want. Blonde symbolizes the power to not only turn heads, but be a powerful person in society as well. The cover shows Elle holding large law books as well, which says that just because she likes to look the way she does doesn't mean that she isn't serious about what she is doing. She is serious about her look and serious about being a law student. To sum things up, if all you see is how she looks, then you've missed the whole point.


The piece of art that I chose to critique was the movie poster for the movie Caddyshack. Some people do not consider that art, but I do. This was one of the great movies of all time and the poster deserves to be critiqued. Looking at the picture there four main characters are in the hole. They all had different goals throughout the movie but they were all trying to accomplish their goals. Which is the point of golf to get the ball in the hole. There is also the 19 hole flag in the hole with them. This may be confusing to some who have not seen the movie, but if you have seen the movie and know the end, it makes sense. I also really like the fact that they have a big gopher on top of the clubhouse. This could have two meanings. One he destroys the golf course in the movie. The other meaning could be that he kind of ruled the golf course towering over it. I also like the quote at the top of the poster. I like it for two reasons. First, it is a good quote saying, “Some People Just Don’t Belong.” I also like it at the top of the poster so it attracts your attention. Also the poster has nice placement of the title. It is big and you can read it clearly. After writing that I just realized that you can’t see the picture so I hope that is a clear enough image.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I believe that a code of ethics for journalists are very important. This does not mean I expect for news to be inhibited in anyway, however, I believe that in military topics, journalist should use extreme care in what they write. I understand the need to write about what is happening, this is a great way to go back and have records of just what the conflicts have been like over the years. However, if our public is reading the material printed by our own journalist, what is holding our adversaries back from obtaining the information for themselves. Ethics are the guidelines of journalists, and many other professions. But in a situation like this, I believe we should take the responsibility a step further and think about our own morales. If you are willing to write a contreversial article and put the lives of our soldiers at risk then I feel it is pertenant to ask the question, if those who have been written about are killed because of a planned attack, is the journalist responsible for this activity?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ethics are never 100% agreed upon by a whole profession; there are too many opinions and backgrounds. But yet most professions do have that code to guide the professionals through the appropriate actions expected of them. Jounalists are no different, there are expectations they must live by, as well as a heavy responsibilty to the public. Unfortunately, there are many grey areas in the code. Not all specific situations are the same, each has its own little quirks and problems, and it is the journalist's responsibilty to determine the most ethical way to report it. Situations such as the few mentioned in class, are just that: a few. Everyday journalist's are approached many times with two options. The option to go about reporting the story in the ethical and reasonable way, or the option to let all cautions fly out the window and report the situation with no respect those involved. Even then some of their peers will have their own opinion about whether or not the reporter made the right decision. But isn't that how life is? Full of decisions, decisions that will never be 100% agreed upon by your family or friends. The thing that counts is that you made the best possible, educated, ethical decision you could.

PS: i loved our venture out activity!!

Friday, September 29, 2006


Ethics. There is perhaps nothing more subjective than one's interpretation of ethical conduct. This is to be expected; a universally accepted code of conduct does not exist (if it did, society would be considerably more peaceful). Yet, many professions stand by such declarations of ethics. I wonder whether such articles, such codes of conduct are as much a PR ploy as they are idealistically irrational creations. This is perhaps the reason behind the creation of the Journalists' Code of Ethics, a subjective list of guidelines that Journalists are supposed to follow. Of course, it should be no surprise that these guidelines aren't always followed, or, at the very least, are cause for controversy as a result of conflicting interpretations of said guidelines.

Such a perspective is, quite clearly, cynical (but I believe realistic). Don't get me started on the oxymoron of the concept of a code of "ethics" for lawyers.

Ethics in Journalism

One of the first things that crossed my path while my tenure here at Mizzou, was the holy law, "Conflict of Interest." Apparently I could have been in some sort of violation of this important law if I weren't "freelancing" at Adelante! and The Maneater. When "Conflict of Interest" happens it means that your interest intersect with our other duties, creating a type of biased danger in decision making, or at least that's what I got from conversations and warning with the staffers at the Maneater and Adelate!. I spoke to Katherine Reed, advisor for Adelante! and Lee Logan, editor in chief for The Maneater, about my activity and they both agreed that I was legitimatly safe because of my status of a "freelancer." These types of ethics, at least on the professional scale of journalism take high priority when attending meetings, making suggestions or the type of coverage undertaken in stories. The great thing about Mizzou is that this place is like the mecca of journalism. Sure I have screwed up a couple times with stories in The Maneater and I didn't have my ethics down at first, but that's what this place is about... putting you into place and not just for reprimanding reasons, but to scuplt you into a professional individual. Ethics in journalism aren't just humble and great, they're very good-looking too and with this type of polishing added into your daily scrub, you'll be dying to wake up every morning in the best of anticipations.

Journalism Ethics

Ethics are great! Reading this ethics sheet we got in FIG class, i'm presented with a few things I was unaware of. For instance, the example presented in class of a journalist posing as a factory worker and subversively sneaking into a Nuclear Facility I would not have thought to be ethical. In looking closer, it does seem to be the only way to get that story. Other ethic problems aren't so difficult. Such as reporting troop movements in a war. It's a terrible idea to report those on air, for obvious reasons.
Ethics should always be foremost in a reporter's mind when writing a story. Bring the truth, and bring it fairly. Otherwise, all credibility will be lost.

The Issue of Ethics

It is important for Journalists to have high standards of ethics. Im sorry I didnt mean that...It is VITAL for Journalists to have high standards of ethics. Remember that people all around the world can read what you write. Lives could hang in the balance. When Dutch Newspapers printed a cartoon depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (And I know I spelled that wrong) several innocent people were killed in the insuing mob violence that followed. Now all Journalists have some bias but its ethical to keep that bias out of your articles. When people read news articles they want to know what happened, not what the writer thinks about what happened. Ethics call journalists to be objective while writing their articles but they can still write subjectively in the form of opinion columns or even books. I agree with what someone else said on this blog, ethics in journalism can many times be a balancing act and often it comes down to a personal call on the part of the journalist.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ethics in Journalism

Obviously ethics in journalism is important. Without ethics, or morals, people could do whatever that had to just to get a story. Crazy tactics could be used so reporters could get their information and their quotes. It could be like an interrogation and not an interview. Even worse would be if reporters started making up stories. If you herd some big news story and got all excited about it and it turned out not to be true, you would be baffled. An example of this might be if somebody reported that Terrell Owens tried to kill himself with pain medication, but he really didn’t you have know idea what to believe and what not to believe. That makes T.O. have a press conference and deny the whole thing, then it becomes some big PR thing. Anyway, without ethics journalism would not be the same.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

ethics in journalism

Ethics and journalism and why they are important. I'm struggling here for some reason. Ok, so no one would respect journalism for starters if we didn't have ethics and standards, which means no one would care about it and it might not exist or at least not as a career. That is the basis for having ethics in journalsim, respect. Ethics and morals are sort of the same thing. People who don't have morals aren't usually well respected so the same goes for journalism, no ethics, no respect. Ethics are not always set in stone. Many times it is a personal call on whether or not something is considered to be ethical.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Well thank goodness I finally was able to get this thing up and working!
Mizzou is amazing, but this week has made me realize how much skill it takes just to go to class, get homework done, study and arrive promptly for meetings. I'm hoping to get the hang of all the commotion here within the next couple of weeks. After i become a little more accustomed to the daily ins and outs,I have alot of things I'm looking forward to getting involved in. My sorority to begin with, I want to start to get more involved in committees and boards, I also want to be very involved with this year's Greek Week...Go Kappa! I also want to get involved in leadership type organizations and clubs. I know they are out there just waiting for little freshman like me to become active in their group. I think it is very important to be involved in numerous activities that are very different from each other, I like so many different things and I want to meet other people with diverse interests as well. So I might be getting involved in the Pychology Club, and a few off the wall ones too. One volunteer opportunity I look forward to taking part in is the theraputic riding for the disabled. I love horses and I have seen how well this program actually works, and how well it can develop motor skills for individuals.
Hopefully things will settle in quickly, I'm anxious to get started!

Involved & Informed

Being involved at MU is a lot more challenging than I thought it would be. It isn’t hard because I don’t know how to get involved or I’m scared, but because each activity is so much in itself. I’ve had a hard time going above and beyond as I usually do because of time constraints. Each activity is so intense and time consuming that adding writing for the Maneater, participating in community service, attending football games, homecoming prep and work on top of being in a sorority is too much to handle, even for an over achiever! I came here with every intention of being the new “Miss Mizzou” for my class, but it’s a little harder than I thought.
So after I realized the challenge that lies within being involved at this amazingly opportunistic school, I’ve adapted my goals a tiny bit. After being admitted into a sorority (check number one), I decided to run for a position on the executive board on my pledge class. So not only am I in a sorority but also V.P. of campus relations for all 2006 pledges. Now, with homecoming around the corner we’re knee deep in grudge work and preparation. I am planning on adding a couple more activities to my agenda. Besides working at the Rec Center 12 hours a week, I plan on joining the student choir at the Newan Center, getting involved in two or three service organizations, writing for the Maneater and possibly getting a 3.5 GPA or above this semester. Whew!
With all these ideas and plans under my belt, I know I’m going to be very busy managing school and activities, but my homesickness dissipates with each activity I pursue and all the new friends and connections I make increase the feeling of a home away from home that Mizzou so willingly offers me. So, all-in-all I hope to accomplish many things by the time I leave this place, but for now I’ll stick to basics and try and keep my sanity intact.

Ethics/News Stories

So far I've attended only a couple of news meetings for Adelante and written two stories for the Maneater.
Both of these stories have been new stories covering the Asian American/International Student Orientation, UnificAsaian and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Soriety's Girl Talk event.
To further extend my portfolio I plan on writing more stories for the Maneater, hopefully something outside of news story format and a little bit into the Arts and Entertainment type of stories.
I have also been attending various meetings held by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, an association which was opened to MU last year. Alongside with my membership in NAHJ, I hope attain a wide variety of internships this coming summer or attendance at their regional conference.
Throughout high school I wrote for my yearbook two years in a row, mostly covering Student Life and Clubs/Organizations. With that and my additional clippings from my newspaper at school, I hope to bound together a good work portfolio, which I will need when applying to the Journalism School.
I wish they had water bottles at the Emporium.

Blog-tastic Involvement

So thanks to Carolina appearing to have more technical prowess than I do when it comes to, I now have access to this blog.

So, getting involved. There's many ways to do it, but I came in with a plan and so far my plan is working out quite well. In high school I was active in many activities, my most favorite being the school theatre department. I was the lead for several productions and when I saw that there were tryouts on campus for a musical I leapt at the chance. Lucky for me, I made it in, so now my nights consist of three hours of learning choreography and singing. It's very entertaining and everyone should come see the show Oct. 10th through the 15th.
Down the journalism path, I decided to try and get involved in the Maneater. I have succeeded there as well and have since been published twice in the Maneater. Three more and I start getting paid!

My work study job has been set up and I start on Thursday, which will be probably my final foray into the world of MU extracurriculars. Unless of course I find the ever elusive Model UN team, which as far as I know, still doesn't actually exist on campus. If anyone finds it, for the love of all that is holy let me know. All I've managed to find is a single mailbox that I left a note in and never heard back from.

Getting Involved at Mizzou

I've never really been a social being (as those who know me can tell.) Im perfectly happy keeping to myself and staying in my room however the world will not permit me to do this and besides, this is College and your supposed to get involved. So im joining up with a JuJitsu Club on campus that meets from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also have a wish to get involved with one of the school newspapers though I may put this off till October when my evenings become more open but until then If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would gladly welcome them. Other than that I currently do not have any other plans to get involved though this may change.

Getting Involved

During my time here at the University of Missouri I will be getting involved in many different areas that this wonderful institution has to offer. As of right now I am involved in MUTV23 and Tigers Layer. On MUTV I will be working for the sports trivia show Triple Play. Which everyone should watch because it will be great. I think the Tigers Layer counts as getting involved because we did have to sign something saying we would follow the rules.

Some activities that I would like to get involved with are intramural sports and working for the radio station. I don't want to work for the NPR station because I think that would be boring, but I think there is another station that I could possibly get on a sports talk show. For the intramural sports part, I would like to play soccer, basketball, flag football, and many others. As of right now that is all I am planning on doing, but who knows I might change my mind.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Getting Involved

Alright, I'll come out of the closet... I've never had much school spirit. Getting involved has never been an area of speciality for me and I hope to change that this year. I'm a member of the Latin Dance Club at the moment, but it won't end there. Beyond dancing with passion I plan to look into the shooting club and the paintball club, both of which are focused around familiar activities for me.

Furthermore, I intend to get involved with MU football-by watching the game on KOMU. Let me see, I love videogames way more than I should so perhaps I will look into writing some videogame reviews. By the way, Saints Row was a great game, with the exception of a poorly executed ending, no pun intended. Ha ha ha.

How I Am Getting Involved

Dear Blog,
This week I had the fortune of sampling many events here at MU. Though I wish I could be involved in everything, including Female Self-Defense Class, I did have to make my choices. Because I am interested in Broadcasting I got in touch with some people at KOMU to help work on I also have started taking Mambo lessons with the Latin Dance Club. It is alot of fun, and we go to the Spanish Fly weekly.
To work up a sweat, I decided to join the Fencing team. There is a tournament in November, and hopefully I will work my way up the ranks. We practice twice a weak, so its also a good workout.
It's my goal by the end of the year to be a strong force in both Fencing, and KOMU, and if I can pick up some dancing on the side...Why Not?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

J School Fair

I was in Ellis Library when Carolina (not me, but the sophmore) called for a favor. She asked me to deliver a package to Brandon, another member of NAHJ (National Association of Hispanic Journalists). So I met her outside of Domino's, which she drove to in her Convertable Mustang. Got the slim FedEx box and dashed off to Middlebush 13 for my MicroEconomics lab with Dusty Sweet. Class ended at 2:50, I met Brandom at Peace Park around 3. Brian Brooks and various other J School Staff were there fixing displays and setting tables down on the green. I helped Brandon open up the FedEx box and we placed the Fact Sheets and Applications on the table in a wind-resistant fashion. Helping out and giving information about the organization to freshman, while being a freshman was an odd experience. Tiger Stripe ice cream was delicous though. I plan to buy some in bulk soon. The most interesting booth was the NPR kbia radio station. Everybody also had way too much candy. Nobody needs this much candy.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Journalism & Communications (A)

This is a place for students enrolled in the Jounalism & Communications (A) freshman interest group (FIG) to post assignments and various thoughts. These students are proud to belong to the University of Missouri-Columbia.