Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ethics are never 100% agreed upon by a whole profession; there are too many opinions and backgrounds. But yet most professions do have that code to guide the professionals through the appropriate actions expected of them. Jounalists are no different, there are expectations they must live by, as well as a heavy responsibilty to the public. Unfortunately, there are many grey areas in the code. Not all specific situations are the same, each has its own little quirks and problems, and it is the journalist's responsibilty to determine the most ethical way to report it. Situations such as the few mentioned in class, are just that: a few. Everyday journalist's are approached many times with two options. The option to go about reporting the story in the ethical and reasonable way, or the option to let all cautions fly out the window and report the situation with no respect those involved. Even then some of their peers will have their own opinion about whether or not the reporter made the right decision. But isn't that how life is? Full of decisions, decisions that will never be 100% agreed upon by your family or friends. The thing that counts is that you made the best possible, educated, ethical decision you could.

PS: i loved our venture out activity!!