Friday, September 29, 2006

The Issue of Ethics

It is important for Journalists to have high standards of ethics. Im sorry I didnt mean that...It is VITAL for Journalists to have high standards of ethics. Remember that people all around the world can read what you write. Lives could hang in the balance. When Dutch Newspapers printed a cartoon depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (And I know I spelled that wrong) several innocent people were killed in the insuing mob violence that followed. Now all Journalists have some bias but its ethical to keep that bias out of your articles. When people read news articles they want to know what happened, not what the writer thinks about what happened. Ethics call journalists to be objective while writing their articles but they can still write subjectively in the form of opinion columns or even books. I agree with what someone else said on this blog, ethics in journalism can many times be a balancing act and often it comes down to a personal call on the part of the journalist.