Sunday, September 03, 2006

J School Fair

I was in Ellis Library when Carolina (not me, but the sophmore) called for a favor. She asked me to deliver a package to Brandon, another member of NAHJ (National Association of Hispanic Journalists). So I met her outside of Domino's, which she drove to in her Convertable Mustang. Got the slim FedEx box and dashed off to Middlebush 13 for my MicroEconomics lab with Dusty Sweet. Class ended at 2:50, I met Brandom at Peace Park around 3. Brian Brooks and various other J School Staff were there fixing displays and setting tables down on the green. I helped Brandon open up the FedEx box and we placed the Fact Sheets and Applications on the table in a wind-resistant fashion. Helping out and giving information about the organization to freshman, while being a freshman was an odd experience. Tiger Stripe ice cream was delicous though. I plan to buy some in bulk soon. The most interesting booth was the NPR kbia radio station. Everybody also had way too much candy. Nobody needs this much candy.