Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Adoption of Children by Homosexual Couples

In my opinion this subject should be considered with each individual case, and not as a general law or rule. But others have very strong opinions for both sides of this controversy so I will discuss those points.

Is it fair for children, who have already gone through so much, to have to grow up in such a controversial situation? They will not only be questioned about their real parents, but also about their adopted parents. Both of these questions on their own have a very likely chance of causing severe stress, and an far more difficult time of becoming comfortable with themselves. So once they are combined, it seems as if we are setting the child up for failure. Although inside the home, the child might be loved and cared for, the outside implications can destroy a child. Adopted children usually need an extrememly stable and secure home situation to be the foundation of their new lives. When such a union is not widely accepted by society, it has less potential to be as stable and secure.
Is it fair for children, who have already gone through so much, to be denied a loving and providing home just because of a same sex couple? There is a decrease in parents willing to adopt American children, because of many complications that can be avoided by adopting from foreign countries. Although there is a decrease in heterosexual couples, there are many homosexual couples waiting to get in line. Many same gender couples, want to settle down and begin to raise a family, just as the typical couple would. By being is such a unique home the children will not be deferred by differences, but will embrace others even if they are not like them.