Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Title IX

Title IX is not only about sports, it is a legislation that stops sex discrimination. Title IX states, “No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid.” However, when most people think about Title IX they think sports and sports funding. It is part of Title IX, but not the major part. I think that Title IX is good with respect to woman getting a good education and not being discriminated in what majors that choose. According to women’s law and medical degrees went up dramatically. I think this is very good and Title IX is serving its purpose here.
However, for the sports part of Title IX it I am not that found of. I always find myself saying, “Stupid Title IX.” This is probably because I am a guy who likes sports and likes to watch men’s athletics. I think that there should be women’s sports, but I don’t think there needs to be equal funding for men’s and women’s sports. What is going to help the schools bring back the most money is men’s sports. There are always more fans in the stands at men’s basketball games than at women’s games. Under Title IX the schools have to take the money for the sports budget at make it and make it proportional to the number of male and female student athletes. I think that if we can have a dominant men’s team by spending money to give athletes scholarships than we should. We should not have to give equal spending to a women’s team that not as many people care about. In my opinion Tile IX is good in some ways, but not others.