Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Gay Marriage
Gay Marriage is a rather silly argument. When one thinks about it at least, which is not what most people tend to do. Accounting of course for the seperation of church and state, Gay Marriage is NOT a law of any sort trying to get churches to allow homosexuals to waltz in and change church policy. I believe that's where most dissent comes from, plus all of the "destroying the sanctity of marriage" malarkey. There's simply no good reason to not allow homosexuals to engage in a civil union. This gets them all the benefits of a marriage, which is what they want, and in no way does the pope's panties get in a wad. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there's actually a church that is straight up FOR gay marriage, regardless of some extra-friendly clergy. So why can't we have the best of both worlds? Sure, if a homosexual wants to get married in a catholic sense, he better bring that up with the local diocease, but really now, is that a matter for the state to decide? The ONLY reason I can conceivably come up with as to why homosexuals aren't given the same rights as heterosexuals, is that the uptight politicians are jealous. That's right, jealous. As one comedian once said, "If I had another man living with me, I'd get so much more done."