Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Gay Marriage

I think its hard to determine the morality of Gay Marriage considering that we do not really understand exactly what homosexuality is. Some people say its genetic, others say its a mental disorder, some say its a choice like all sins. Whatever homosexuality is we must use the information we currently have to decide if homosexuality can be allowed to marry one another legally. Now if marriage really is the hallowed union of a male and female then homosexuals would not just be barred from marriage, they would be incapable of it if they intended to marry someone of the same gender. Personally ive seen men who used to be gay but have now gotten married to a woman and started a family of their own. I have heard the claim that homosexuality is genetic but so far no one has shown me any proof and the idea already has some obvious problems with it considering the fact that gay couples cannot reproduce on their own.

Dont get me wrong, I agree that there are plenty of homosexuals out there that are actually pretty decent and upstanding people. I personally do not hate homosexuals but I am disgusted by the act of homosexuality. Still I understand that in todays society of political correctness and absolute tolerance such a view would immediately draw the label of homophobic. However I said before that until we can understand exactly what homosexuality is we must go with what we already know and this knowledge varies from person to person. I can say this however, since Massachusetts legalized gay marriage, the act has been banned in almost every single state and in most cases by a solid majority. This by itself is enough to show that obviously most Americans find something inherently wrong with marriage being defined as something other than the Union between a Man and a Woman.